Dear blog,
I have some good and bad news today. After, Mariana and I met today and saw the footage to edit we realized that we couldn't create a film opening with what we had of footage. The videos did not make sense and they did not come out how we had in mind. Since we were at a public place, it was difficult to control the lighting and the security guards would get annoying with us filming. So, with the little footage we had, nothing really made sense. We discussed about going back to Brickell to film to make it better, but we realized that we were just going to waste time and needed to think of something better. After thinking about the mess we made, and how we could fix it within one week and like two days. I thought about switching the whole idea up to something we had more control over for filming. Where we could film in a house and manage the lighting and the props to our benefit. We are still sticking to the idea of a Coming-of-Age film, focusing on the main character's socio-economic status and making her hispanic. So... this is where the good news comes in! After ten minutes of hard thinking and panicking in class, we came up with the idea of an eighteen year, Hispanic middle-class girl, Daniela Gonzalez, who lives in a suburb and dreams of being a model. The only thing is that her parents don't accept her dream because they believe she should go to college, be a doctor and make a real living out of something after all the hard work they went through to give her everything she has. They believe her dream is a nonsensical desire and she needs to put her feet on the ground. She works at a McDonalds and is saving up for an open call in New York. So, we want to show how this very passionate girl fights for her passion despite the circumstances.
I am actually glad that we changed our idea because we didn't even have our past idea thought out very well. We kind of took the first idea we thought would be successful since we worried about finishing in five weeks, but it ended up hurting us instead. We definitely learned a lot with this and are willing to do whatever it takes to make it better. Before, we were depending solely on the costume design and the location setting rather than actually considering the rest of the visual techniques we learned in class to convey our story. We don't have much time left, but well life is all about learning right?
Mariana and I need to finish the new storyboard and I will post it on Saturday.
Wish us luck...
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